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FSR Climate is pleased to announce its 9th Annual Conference on the Economic Assessment of European Climate Policies to take place at the European University Institute in Florence on 27-28 November 2023.  

The conference will cover some of the main climate policies at EU, national and subnational levels and will include a keynote speech as well as parallel sessions and plenary speeches focusing on the topics of emissions trading, environmental taxation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. 

The Conference will be chaired by Simone Borghesi, Director of the FSR Climate, Deputy Rector for International Relationships at the University of Siena, and President-Elect of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE). 



Keynote Lecture: “Goals and Pledges”

Guest Lecture: “Regional Power Markets, Subregional Carbon Trading, and Carbon- Border Adjustments: Experience in US Markets”

  • Ben Hobbs, Johns Hopkins University and California IS – Watch the video

Guest Lecture: Environmental Taxes and Pollution Abatement under Economies of Scale

Guest Lecture: Carbon Taxes and Tariffs, Financial Frictions, and International Spillovers

Guest Lecture: “The Role of Energy Efficiency on the Road to Net Zero Carbon Economies – Some Reflections”


Paper Presentations

  • Sevil Acar (Bogazici University) – Transforming Turkiye’s power system: An assessment of economic, social, and external impacts of an energy transition by 2030 [slides]
  • Raavi Aggarwal (Indian Statistical Institute) – Input substitution for sustainable industrialisation: Evidence from India [slides]
  • Elsa Amaddeo (University of Bari Aldo Moro) – Who really pays for EU Emission Trading Systems? The risk of shifting the tax burden from the firm to the final consumer [slides]
  • Patrick Bigler (University of Bern, KPM Center for Public Management and Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research) – Extent and Anatomy of the Solar Rebound: Evidence from Swiss Households [slides]
  • Justus Böning (KU Leuven) – On the Effectiveness of Future Financial Benefits on PV Adoption – Evidence from Belgium [slides]
  • Marta Castellini (University of Padua and FEEM-Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei) – RICE-MED, an integrated assessment model for the Mediterranean basin: assessing the climate-economy-agriculture nexus [slides]
  • Edouard Civel (Square Research Centre and Climate Economics Chair) – Green premium or manipulation? Regression discontinuity design application on French energy labels [slides]
  • Natalia D’Agosti (University of Edinburgh) – The Impact of Solar Panel Installation on Electricity Consumption and Production [slides]
  • Audric De Bevere (UCLouvain – Center for Applied Public Economics and Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique – FNRS) – The Distributional Impacts of EU-ETS 2 on Households: A Microsimulation Approach in Belgium [slides]
  • Mahaut De Villeneuve (ESSEC Business School and CY Cergy Paris University) – Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms under Asymmetric Information [slides]
  • Sonja Dobkowitz (DIW Berlin) – Meeting Climate Targets: The Role of Fossil Research Subsidies [slides]
  • Ingrid Emilie Flessum Ringstad (Norwegian School of Economics) – Time and frequency dynamics of connectedness between green bonds, clean energy markets and carbon prices [slides]
  • Dana Ghandour (Concordia University) – Environmental Cooperation and Trade – The Impact of Heterogeneity in Environmental Damages: An Endogenous Solution [slides] 
  • Friedemann Gruner (Mercator Institute for Global Commons and Climate Change) – Pigou’s Advice and Sisyphus’ Warning: Carbon Pricing with Non-Permanent Carbon Dioxide Removal [slides]
  • Katherine Hassett (OECD) – Household behaviour and energy use: Empirical evidence and policy implications  
  • Ireri Hernandez Carballo (Bocconi University and RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE)) – The Impact of Green Policies on Local Economic Performance: Evidence from the EU ETS [slides]
  • Kaitoh Hidano (National University of Singapore) – Opportunities and Challenges of the Emission Trading System in Japan: An Empirical Study on the Case of Saitama Prefecture [slides]
  • Gianluca Iannucci (University of Florence) – Emission Permits and ECSR Practice in an Evolutionary Duopoly [slides]
  • Stefania Innocenti (University of Oxford) – Increasing the acceptability of carbon taxation: The roles of social norms and economic reasoning [slides]
  • Stephen Jarvis (London School of Economics) – The Impact of Climate Policy on Manufacturing Employment: Firm-Level Evidence from Germany [slides]
  • Eugénie Joltreau (RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE) and Fondazione Centro Euromediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC)) – Recycling in a Globalised Economy  
  • Emilia Lamonaca (University of Foggia) – Climate and Non pricing Policies 
  • Marita Laukkanen (VATT Institute for Economic Research) – Vehicle replacement subsidies and the environment: evidence from administrative data
  • Etienne Lorang (Tilburg University) – When Pigouvian waste taxes (cannot) implement the first-best in general equilibrium [slides]
  • Maria del Mar Solà (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)) – Memory effect of appliance rebate programme: evidence from a lab experiment [slides]
  • Massimiliano Mazzanti (University of Ferrara) – Climate policy analysis: efficient estimation of a semiparametric panel data model with spatial and factor dependence [slides]
  • Coline Metta-Versmessen (LEDa Paris Dauphine University, Climate Economics Chair & EDF) – Waste Trading System: managing waste with high population density and low sorting rate [slides]
  • Christian Nolde (University of Basel) – Who Should Drive Green Technology Transitions in Developing Countries [slides]
  • Sebastian Osorio (Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research) –Will cutting back on renovating buildings make carbon prices go through the roof? [slides]
  • Monika Papież (Cracow University of Economics) – How does the Environmental Policy Stringency affect the CO2 emissions in OECD and BRICS countries? 
  • Marco Quatrosi (University of Palermo) – Emission Trading in a high dimensional context: to what extent carbon markets are integrated with the broader system? [slides]
  • Claudia Ranocchia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) – Porter hypothesis vs pollution haven hypothesis: Can an emission tax avoid the pollution haven hypothesis? [slides]
  • Elisa Rottner (Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and University of Basel) – Is Germany becoming the European pollution haven? [slides]
  • Stephan Sommer (Bochum Univeristy of Applied Sciences and RWI–Leibniz Institute for Economic Research) – How resilient is public support for carbon pricing? Longitudinal evidence from Germany [slides]
  • Jordi Teixidó (University of Barcelona) – Technology Diffusion in Carbon Markets: Evidence from aviation [slides]
  • Roberta Terranova (RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment) – Believe me when I say green! Heterogeneous expectations and climate policy uncertainty [slides]
  • Elena Villar (Università Cattolica di Milano) – The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Taxing Waste [slides]
  • Hermann Vollebergh (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and Tilburg University) – Coherence in carbon pricing: The importance of descriptive economics for policy package evaluation [slides]

You can access the abstracts of the conference papers here.


Speaker (presenting a paper): 330 euro.  

Student (presenting a paper)*: 220 euro.   

Participant (not presenting): 440 euro.  

 * Students must provide proof of their student status.  


The registration will close on November 19 EOD. Please note that fee payments need to be made by November 19. If you pay by bank transfer, please send to RSCAS.Conferences@eui.eu a proof of the payment.

This event is organised with the support of EAERE.


Past Editions of the FSR Annual Climate Conference

FSR Climate Annual Conference 2022 

FSR Climate Annual Conference 2021 

FSR Climate Annual Conference 2020 

FSR Climate Annual Conference 2019 

FSR Climate Annual Conference 2018 

FSR Climate Annual Conference 2017 

FSR Climate Annual Conference 2016 

FSR Climate Annual Conference 2015 


Badia Fiesolana
Via dei Roccettini, 9
Fiesole , Firenze 50014 Italy

+ Google Map


International Conference on the Ex-Post Evaluation of Emissions Trading
International Conference on the Ex-Post Evaluation of Emissions Trading

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