European transport, trasporti europei, 2024, Vol. 97, No. 11, OnlineOnlyUrban mobility plays a key role for the promotion of the socio-economic development of a country. Particularly, MaaS platforms are important for those daily journeys made by travellers that must [...]
Transportation and economy [Un'yu to Keizai], 2015, Vol. 75, No. 5, pp. 4-9The history of European transport policy can be broadly divided into two main periods: the first covers the period from the '50s to the '80s, and the second from the [...]
Utilities Policy, 2014, Vol. 31, pp. 289-301This article presents the gradual liberalization of European air transport, especially its most recent problems in the case of the Single European Sky (SES). Indeed, after successfully liberalizing airlines and, [...]
Utilities Policy, 2014, Vol. 31, pp. 278-288Based on extensive qualitative research, this article analyses the governance of competition in European railways and relates this to their performance via five case studies covering the Netherlands, France, Germany, [...]
Utilities Policy, 2014, Vol. 31, pp. 219-220The focus of this special issue is the liberalization of the network industries in Europe. Within the issue, we look back at 20 years of de- and re-regulation. We also [...]
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