Giving the world better Energy & Climate

FSR Energy & Climate brings together the worlds of academia and practice. We carry out applied research, training courses and policy dialogue with the purpose of developing economically and socially sound energy regulation and policy in Europe and worldwide.

Energy & Climate Knowledge

The future electricity market design
The future electricity market design

The reform of the electricity market design The reform of the electricity market design (EMD) adopted in May 2024[1] aimed…

How to deal with cross-border externalities? The case of capacity markets in the EU
How to deal with cross-border externalities? The case of capacity markets in the EU

On 20 November, Emma Menegatti, FSR researcher and PhD candidate, presented her recent paper, co-authored with Leonardo Meeus, in the…

Regulating the future: C. Sikow-Magny on her new role as European Coordinator
Regulating the future: C. Sikow-Magny on her new role as European Coordinator

The Draghi Report emphasises the need for a more integrated and competitive European economic framework, highlighting infrastructure development and trans-European…

A new approach to long term contracts

This policy brief contends that a new approach to Long Term Contracts (LTCs) in European competition policy based on new facts, new realities and a revised reasoning must be urgently…

HANCHER, Leigh;GLACHANT, Jean-Michel;DEZOBRY, Guillaume
Offshore wind energy in the North Seas : crafting collaboration and navigating governance

In the North Seas region, a coalition of 9 countries expressed the ambition to quadruple their offshore wind capacity from 30 GW to 120 GW by 2030, and to then…

MEEUS, Leonardo
Decarbonising manufacturing firms in the European Union’s Emissions Trading System
Decarbonising manufacturing firms in the European Union’s Emissions Trading System

Decarbonising European manufacturing firms is critical to ensuring the EU achieves its climate neutrality objective set in the EU Climate…

Training Courses

Sustainable and Smart Cities
Sustainable and Smart Cities

The training will focus on three areas where cities can be particularly impactful: the uptake of renewable energy, improving the energy efficiency of Europe’s building stock, electricity metering and distribution…

Summer School on Regulation of Energy Utilities
Summer School on Regulation of Energy Utilities

Learn the fundamental regulatory principles of the electricity and gas sectors through hands-on, real case activities and examples with instructors from national regulatory authorities from Europe and North America, the…

Loyola Autumn Research School – LARS
Loyola Autumn Research School – LARS

Crafting research with impact on energy policy and regulation LARS is a residential training addressing researchers with modeling skills who are keen to support the energy policy and regulatory debate.…

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The school carries out multidisciplinary research with the purpose of developing economically, legally, and socially-sound regulation and policy.

Training courses

Designed by an international faculty of academics and the main experts in the field, our courses are designed to meet the educational needs of professionals at all levels.

Policy events

Our events bring together the world of academia and practice to offer a vast range of opportunities for open discussion and practice sharing.

Upcoming Events

Methane emissions from the biogas and biomethane supply chains
Methane emissions from the biogas and biomethane supply chains

This debate will discuss the findings of the JRC Report on methane emissions coming from the biogas and biomethane supply…

Spring Policy Dialogues
Spring Policy Dialogues

Join us in Florence for 3 days of in-person events where we will convene our donors and renowned experts from…

LUCE Awards 2025 - Women for the green transition
LUCE Awards 2025 - Women for the green transition

Building on the momentum of the previous editions, the 3rd edition of the LUCE Awards marks another milestone in advancing…

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