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The Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures is the annual event that brings together all the Areas of the Florence School of Regulation. This 6th edition aimed at taking stock of the major challenges infrastructure regulation is currently facing in the context of smart cities.

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The de- and re-regulation of the different network industries is an ongoing process at national and global level. As this process unfolds, ever new phenomena emerge, which call for a constant reassessment of the content and objectives of regulation.

The question becomes even more challenging when looking at recent infrastructure development at the local level. Phenomena including (but not limited to)  demographic changes, the rapidly evolving consequences of climate change and the evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have significantly challenged the traditionally stable landscape of urban infrastructure services provision. Providing traditional and new services in an innovative way is a growing trend among public authorities, traditional providers as well as new private prosumers and platforms for sharing economy. Both small and large agglomerations are seeking to become the so-called “smart cities”. However, together with great opportunities, disruptive innovations also give rise to new regulatory challenges, especially on infrastructure financing and management of future “smart cities”.

This 6th Florence Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures sought to evaluate the major challenges infrastructure regulation is currently facing at the local level.

  • Papers have been presented in different parallel sessions dedicated to the following infrastructure sectors:
    • Communications and Media
    • Energy and Climate
    • Transport
    • Water Distribution
    • Financing
  • We encouraged contributions that linked technology and institutions in more than one infrastructure sector.
  • Contributions utilizing multidisciplinary, as well as interdisciplinary, approaches to regulation have been welcome.
  • Papers linking academia and practice, as well as policy research papers, have been particularly encouraged.
  • The conference was intended for academics such as PhD students, PostDocs and Assistant/associate/full Professors as well as academically-minded practitioners.

Conference Structure

The format of the Florence Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures is unique:

  • Each presenter had 45’, which included 20’ of presentation, 10’ of qualified feedback and 15’ of discussion with the audience;
  • Feedback was given by senior professors associated with the Florence School of Regulation, who are specifically knowledgeable about the topic at hand;
  • Papers retained for publication received additional feedback beyond the Conference.

Publication opportunities

Scientific Committee

  • Matthias Finger (EUI, Part-time professor and Director of the Transport Area of the FSR. EPFL, Professor and Director of the Chair of Management of Network Industries)
  • Jean-Michel Glachant (EUI, Robert Schuman Chair, Director of the FSR, Director of the Energy & Climate Area of the FSR, Holder of the Loyola de Palacio Chair)
  • Leigh Hancher (EUI, Part-time professor, Energy & Climate Area of the FSR. Tilburg University, Professor)
  • Xavier Labandeira (EUI, Part-time professor, Energy & Climate Area of the FSR. Vigo University, Professor)
  • Pier Luigi Parcu (EUI, Part-time professor, Director of the Communications and Media Area of the FSR, ENTraNCE, and CMPF)
  • Ignacio Pérez Arriaga (EUI, Part-time professor, Energy & Climate Area of the FSR. Comillas University, Professor and Director of the BP Chair on Sustainable Development. MIT, Visiting Professor)
  • Stéphane Saussier (EUI, Part-time professor and Director of the Water Area of the FSR. IAE de Paris, Professor and Director of the EPPP Research Group)


Final Programme

Abstracts Collection

Photo Gallery

Network Industries Quarterly

List of selected authors and titles of their papers (* presenting author)






Villa La Fonte
Via delle Fontanelle, 18
San Domenico di Fiesole, Firenze 50014

+ Google Map


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