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FSR Climate Annual Conference – 10th edition

The Climate Area of the FSR is pleased to announce its 10th Annual Conference on the Economic Assessment of European Climate Policies to take place at the European University Institute in Florence on Thursday 28 and Friday 29 November 2024.

The programme conference accessible here covers some of the main climate policies at the EU and national and subnational levels. It includes a keynote speech, a policy session, parallel sessions, and plenary speeches focusing on carbon pricing and energy transition.

Simone Borghesi, Director of the FSR Climate, Deputy Rector for International Relationships at the University of Siena and President of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), will chair the conference.

  • Keynote Lecture: Maria Loureiro (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
  • Guest speakers: Xavier Labandeira (University of Vigo, Spain) and Michael Pahle (PIK Potsdam, Germany)
  • Policy session:
    • Frank Siebern-Thomas (DG Employment, European Commission)
    • Francesca Lotti (Bank of Italy)
    • Aldo Ravazzi (Ministry of the Environment & LUISS, Italy)

Conference Scientific Committee 

Valentina Bosetti (Bocconi University, FEEM, Italy), Marco Casari (University of Bologna, Italy), Antoine Dechezleprêtre (OECD), Massimo Filippini (Università della Svizzera Italiana and ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Matthieu Glachant (Ecole des mines de Paris, France), Ulrich Wagner (University of Mannheim, Germany).


  • Student (presenting a paper): 280 euro
  • Speaker (presenting a paper): 430 euro
  • Participant (not presenting): 520 euro

The fee includes two lunches, a social dinner, and coffee breaks.



Keynote: Climate Change and Extreme Events: A Tale of Social Amplification of Risks  

  • Maria Loureiro | University of Santiago de Compostela

Guest lecture: Towards a Just Transition: The Role of Fiscal Policies  

  • Xavier Labandeira | University of Vigo and ECOBAS [Presentation] 

Guest lecture: Is the EU ETS cap (still) credible, and what will determine credibility going forward?  

  • Michael Pahle | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research [Presentation] 

Session 1a – Energy efficiency  

  • Moderation: Alessia Casamassima | EUI  
  1. Energy Efficiency and Consumption Patterns: Insights from EPCs and Smartmeters in the French residential sector, Edouard Civel | Square Research Center and Climate Economics Chair, Paris Dauphine-PSL University 
  2. The Effect of Energy Efficiency relabelling on Purchase Decisions: Quasi-experimental evidence from the EU, Justus Böning | KU Leuven [Presentation]
  3. The Effect of Energy Efficiency Obligations on Residential Energy Use: Empirical Evidence from France, Matthieu Glachant | CERNA, Mines Paris – PSL [Presentation]

Session 1b – Welfare and distributional impacts  

  • Moderation: Mira Manini Tiwari | University of Siena & EUI 
  1. Lost in Aggregation: The Local Environmental and Welfare Effects of Large Industrial Shutdowns, Philipp Bothe | Paris School of Economics & World Inequality Lab [Presentation]
  2. Distributive justice concerns when combating air pollution: the joint modelling of attitudes and preferences, Anna Bartczak | University of Warsaw [Presentation]
  3. Bridging the Gap: A Novel M2/LIHC Hybrid Indicator Unveils Energy Poverty Dynamics – case study of the Czech Republic, Matej Opatrný | Charles University Environment Centre [Presentation]

Session 2a – Carbon pricing and policy interactions  

  • Moderation: Marie Raude | EUI, Paris Nanterre University & Climate Economics Chair  
  1. How effective is emissions pricing? The role of firm-product-level adjustment, Karin Mayr-Dorn | Johannes Kepler University Linz [Presentation]
  2. Emission Trading and Overlapping Environmental Support: Installation-level Evidence from the EU ETS, Leonard Stimpfle | University of Gent [Presentation]
  3. Environmental Policy Stringency, Policy interaction and Greenhouse gas emissions: an approach by sector, Coline Metta-Versmessen | LEDa Paris Dauphine University, Chaire Economie du Climat & EDF [Presentation]

Session 2b –Agriculture and ecosystems  

  • Moderation: Lisa Frollichi | University of Urbino  
  1. Agricultural policies to mitigate GHG emissions: a comparative study, Irene Maccarone | University of Foggia [Presentation]
  2. Payments for Ecosystem Services Programs and Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture, Young Kim | University of Oxford 
  3. Mitigating Farmland Biodiversity Loss – A Bio-Economic Model of Land Consolidation and Pesticide Use, Elia Moretti | Institut Polytechnique de Paris [Presentation]

Session 3a – Energy prices and demand  

  • Moderation: Albert Ferrari | EUI  
  1. Derisking Electricity Prices For Decarbonisation: A novel perspective on market incompleteness through irreversibility, Jules Welgryn | Climate Economics Chair, Universite Paris Nanterre, ADEME 
  2. Temperature Sensitivity of Residential Electricity Demand on the Global Scale: A Bayesian Partial Pooling Model, Peer Lasse Hinrichsen | University of Kiel 
  3. Who saved energy why? Analyzing heterogeneous energy demand responses in the energy price crisis, Sophie M. Behr | DIW Berlin

Session 3b – Sustainable development and public perceptions  

  • Moderation: Alessia Casamassima | EUI  
  1. Is tax aversion contagious? A survey experiment on combining energy taxes and subsidies, Sofie Waage Skieflo | CICERO Center for International Climate Research [Presentation]
  2. Net-Zero Target and Public Finances: A Projection Framework for Switzerland, Benjamin Lerch | Swiss Federal Department of Finance [Presentation]
  3. More Than Just Carbon: The Socioeconomic Co-Benefits of Large-Scale Tree Planting, Lorenzo Sileci | LSE [Presentation]

Session 4a – Emissions trading systems  

  • Moderation: Marie Raude | EUI, Paris Nanterre University & Climate Economics Chair  
  1. Mind the emission gap for firms in the EU ETS program, Luca Taschini | University of Edinburgh Business School [Presentation]
  2. Emissions trading with supply adjustment mechanism and market power, Tom Brinker | University of Cologne
  3. Being a New Entrant or an Incumbent Matters – Emissions Abatement and the EU ETS, Antonia Pacelli | Toulouse School of Economics, INRAE [Presentation]

Session 4b – International dimensions of climate policy  

  • Moderation: Fabio Santeramo | EUI & University of Foggia  
  1. Energy Intensity and Structural Changes: Does Offshoring Matter?, Francesco Jacopo Pintus | Foscari University of Venice and Interuniversity Research Centre on Public Economics (CRIEP) [Presentation]
  2. Trade effects of environmental technical measures: Evidence from OECD and major non-OECD economies, Emilia Lamonaca | University of Foggia [Presentation]
  3. Fair burden-sharing for climate change mitigation: an axiomatic approach, Emma Jagu Schippers | Université Paris-Saclay

Session 5a – Carbon pricing and climate risks  

  • Moderation: Ilaria Dibattista | EUI & University of Siena  
  1. Net Zero: Distributional Effects and the Role of Fiscal Policy in the Green Transition, Alessandro Sardone | Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) [Presentation]
  2. Climate disclosure and risk premium in the European bond market, Matteo Mazzarano | Università di Siena, CMCC [Presentation]
  3. The performance evaluation of green budgeting in European Union member states. Public climate policy implications, Kamilla Marchewka-Bartkowiak | Poznań University of Economics and Business

Session 5b – Innovation and investment  

  • Moderation: Lea Heinrich | EUI  
  1. Environmentally Responsible Demand: Irresponsible Lobbying, Sonja Dobkowitz | DIW Berlin [Presentation]
  2. The More the Merrier? The Role of Green Research and Development Subsidies under Different Environmental Policies, Leonie Meissner | Kiel Institute for the World Economy [Presentation]
  3. The Impact of Sustainable Finance Literacy on Investment Decisions, Tobias Wekhof | ETH Zürich and University of Zürich [Presentation]


The event is organised by the EUI with the support of EAERE.


Past editions of the FSR Annual Climate Conference

download the programme (PDF)REGISTRATIONS CLOSED
Lea Heinrich
RSCAS Conferences
Scientific organiser
Simone Borghesi
Badia Fiesolana
Via dei Roccettini, 9
San Domenico di Fiesole, FL 50014 Italy

+ Google Map


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