Fsr Media

The FSR is home to multiplidiscinary research, policy events and executive education in the main topics of the green transition (energy, climate, transport, water and waste).

Our mission to develop and spread ideas that can improve policy and regulation. We are a unique combination of a university research group, a think tank, and an executive education institute. We started in Europe and are increasingly active at the world level.

Many of the FSR faculty members and researchers are available to comment on their research or related hot topics.

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In Focus

About the Florence Schol of Regulation

The FSR Policy Briefcase series

The Internal market and the EU Green Deal

Resilient economies to mitigate and adapt to climate change

Find out more on the Knowledge Hub

Interview our expert

Director of the Florence School of Regulation
Research Fellow
Research Associate
Coordinator for Strategy and Development
Research Fellow
Research Associate
Director of the Climate Area
Research Associate
Research Associate

The Media Relations Office connects targeted high-profile media outlets with our academic experts to provide commentary on trending or breaking stories.

Email Chiara Canestrini


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