Marzia Sesini

Research Fellow
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English, Italian

Marzia Sesini is the Research Team Leader – Gas & Hydrogen at the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) and Course Director of the Loyola Autumn Research School – LARS and of the EU Gas ‎Network Codes course. Her research interests span from energy security and security of supply to the decarbonisation of the energy system, renewable gas, and technologies for the energy sector, to cross infrastructure integration and distribution network optimisation modeling.

An engineer by training, she has accrued extensive experience in the energy industry both at the academic and at the corporate levels. Prior to joining the FSR, she has worked at the Chaire Economie du Climat at Université Paris-Dauphine; Institut Europlace de Finance, in the Corporate Strategy Department at Snam, in the Department of Management and Technology at Bocconi University, and at the Oxford Institute of Energy Studies (OIES).

She holds a Ph.D. in Process Systems Engineering | Chemical Engineering Department from Imperial College London, with research investigating the costs and political implications of shared and coordinated natural gas storage services within the European Union in case of supply/demand shocks; as well as an M.S. in Sustainability Management from the Earth Institute of Columbia University in NYC and an M.S. in Engineering from Pavia State University.

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