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The Performance Review Commission (PRC) is an independent body supported by EUROCONTROL with a remit to review and report on European Air Traffic Management (ATM) performance. While performance has improved over time this has not always been consistent and the PRC believes that future improvements will require transformation change rather than just evolution.

With an objective to identify, review and champion successful transformation projects based on the ATM Masterplan and the European Green Deal the PRC has created a Transformation Support Strategy. It shall enable the analysis of the contribution of new technologies and concepts on the future performance of the ATM-system. Through this process the PRC aims to identify flagship projects, monitor their performance delivery over time, help stakeholders understand the challenges and benefits of implementing these innovative transformational projects and thereby stimulate and encourage ATM improvements.

To engage key executive stakeholders in this process the PRC is hosting a workshop entitled “in search of flagships for ATM transformation” which will take place in Brussels on 22nd February 2023. The focus will be on understanding the business level benefits of delivering transformation and overcoming the challenges, rather than on operational and technical details.


08:30 – 09:00 Welcome Coffee
09:00 – 09:30 Introduction

  • Philippe Merlo | Director of European Green Sky Directorate, EUROCONTROL
  • Christine Berg | Head of Unit Single European Sky, DG MOVE, European Commission
  • Marinus de Jong | Chairman, Performance Review Commission
  • Matthias Finger | Prof. and Deputy Director, Florence School of Regulation – Transport Area, European University Institute
09:30 – 09:45


PRC Transformation Support Strategy (TSS)

09:45 – 10:45 Examples of flagships

Virtual Centres: Challenges for scaling up and delivery

  • Klaus Meier | Chief Technology Officer, Skyguide
  • Raine Luojus | Chief Executive Officer, Fintraffic ANS
  • Ivar Värk | Chief Executive Officer, EANS

Optimum trajectory: an idea for transformation

  • Gema Haro | Head of Environment Division, ENAIRE
  • Franc Sanmarti | Director of Sustainability & Government Affairs, Vueling

Open discussion about TSS and flagships

10:45-11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00


Systemic view and potential flagships

Open discussion followed by summary

12:00 – 13:00 Transversal view and potential flagships

  • Philippe Merlo | Director of European Green Sky Directorate, EUROCONTROL
  • Regula Dettling-Ott | Chair, Performance Review Body
  • Marylin Bastin | Head of Aviation Sustainability, EUROCONTROL
  • Razvan Bucuroiu | Head of Airspace and Capacity Division, EUROCONTROL Network Manager

Open discussion followed by summary

13:00 – 14:00 Sandwich lunch
14:00 – 15:30


Operational/entrepreneurial view and potential flagships

  • Achim Baumann | Policy Director, A4E
  • Martin Rolfe | Chief Executive Officer, NATS
  • Luc Laveyne | Senior Adviser Single European Sky & Innovation, ACI EUROPE
  • Ismail Hakki Polat | Chief Planning Officer, Istanbul Airport
  • John Santurbano | Director, Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre

Open discussion followed by summary

15:30 – 15:45 Coffee break
15:45 – 16:30


Final Summary and Closing Remarks

  • Matthias Finger | Prof. and Deputy Director, Florence School of Regulation – Transport Area, European University Institute
  • Marinus de Jong | Chairman, Performance Review Commission

Please note that participation in this workshop is by invitation only.

To request more information you may contact FSR.Transport@eui.eu

FSR Transport
Rue de la Fusée 96
Bruxelles, 1130 Belgium

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