This course is reserved for experts from Latin America & The Caribbean, including the following countries and territories: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay.
This course will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, between 11-14 June, 2024. The key topics that will be covered include:
We warmly encourage you to submit requests from experts from your organisation, interested in taking part in the training course, and to forward this invitation to interested parties.
The course sits under the LNGnet Project, which has been launched in Spring 2021 by the European Commission to enhance the liquidity, flexibility, transparency, and sustainability of the global LNG market. The LNGnet Project is led by consortium partners: the Florence School of Regulation, Cecoforma, Baringa Partners. More information about the project can be found here.
The LNGnet Project has been launched in Spring 2021 by the European Commission to enhance the liquidity, flexibility, transparency and sustainability of the global LNG market. The Project aims at deepening the engagement of partner countries in liquid and flexible global LNG trade, and to increase their understanding of EU gas and LNG market policies and practices, including on the envisaged decarbonisation of the gas sector in line with the EU’s climate objectives.
Within the LNGnet Project, Training Courses are offered, dealing with: Gas market design, structure and regulation; LNG market structure, organisation and arrangements; Decarbonisation, gases and LNG.
Courses are free of charge and reserved for energy experts from Ministries, Government Agencies and other public bodies in charge of energy, energy companies and their associations, major energy consumers, academia. Participants are selected from candidates based on their background and position, with a view to ensure a fair representation of countries, organisations and genders. Travel and accommodation may be covered for selected participants from eligible countries.
Day 1: Policy, regulatory and market framework
Day 2: The international LNG market
Day 3: LNG, new gases and decarbonisation
Day 4: Study visit of an LNG regasification terminal
At the end of the course, participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.
The LNGnet Project will cover the travel costs (economy class) and a per diem covering accommodation and local costs, for up to 25 participants, selected among those meeting at least one of the following criteria:
For sponsored participants who need a visa to enter Argentina, the project can reimburse the visa costs, subject to the provision of supporting documents.
Join us for a unique opportunity to reconnect and stay updated on the latest policy developments in the fields you previously studied.
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