Innovation is closely linked to air transport, from the development of aircraft technologies to the creation of computer reservation systems. T he latter led to the development of global distribution [...]
The European Union is strongly urbanised, with 432 urban nodes identified. This vast array of urban hubs has a significant economic and geographical value. Urban nodes are critical to the [...]
Rail has a key role to play in making transport more efficient and sustainable in the EU and elsewhere. However, increasing passenger and cargo volumes require investment in infrastructure, and [...]
Between the 2nd century BC and the 15th century, the Silk Road, ending in Istanbul, was the main traditional route between China and the Middle East. Europe has developed since [...]
Air Traffic Management (ATM) is a set of services which every State must provide for the safe and efficient operation of air traffic. Today, it is almost entirely financed by [...]
Transforming Europe into a climate neutral economy by 2050 in line with the European Green Deal places a particular responsibility on the transport sector, which accounts for a quarter of [...]
The Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce (the “E-commerce Law”) of Türkiye has been considered inefficient to address the problems created in the face of rapidly changing [...]
Against the backdrop of the European Green Deal and the subsequent ‘Fit for 55’ Package, the basic infrastructures will have to become more sustainable over the course of their entire [...]
This special issue of Network Industries Quarterly is dedicated to some of the best papers that were presented at the 11th FSR Annual Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures “From [...]
This special issue of NIQ concludes the EU’s ‘year of rail.’ Over the past 30 years the EU has driven the transformation of the European rail sector with the aim [...]
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