/ Publications / Measuring the impact of institutional and territorial drivers for an efficient and smooth Mobility as a Service (MaaS) implementation : a global analysis
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Measuring the impact of institutional and territorial drivers for an efficient and smooth Mobility as a Service (MaaS) implementation : a global analysis
European Transport, Trasporti Europei, 2024, Vol. 97, No. 11, OnlineOnlyUrban mobility plays a key role for the promotion of the socio-economic development of a country. Particularly, MaaS platforms are important for those daily journeys made by travellers that must be in a place by a certain time. Although, MaaS is the natural evolution of older supply models, it has a revolutionary impact on people’s lives. MaaS can optimize resources, urban space, reduce time spent travelling, lower costs and pollution. The present study aims at estimating the impact of a set of political and territorial drivers on MaaS implementation. The research is carried out using a composite set of indicators – 70 MaaS platforms in over 30 countries – for measuring how MaaS platforms perform in different territories. Results demonstrate a positive relationship between policies incentivising mobility services and business performance on those territories, and string territorial differences across the regions analysed.
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