Yannick Perez

Part-time Professor
Connect with Yannick

Yannick Perez was born in 1971 and took his master’s degree and PhD in economics at University La Sorbonne in France. He became an assistant professor at Cergy University (2000-2003) and a tenured associate professor of Economics at the University Paris-Sud (From 2003 to 2019). From October 2008 to September 2020, he is the chief economic advisor of the Loyola de Palacio Chair on European Energy Policy at the RSCAS – EUI. Since 2012, he joined and then co-led the Armand Peugeot research chair on Electromobility (ESSEC Business School – CentraleSupélec).

Since September 2019, he is a Full Professor of Economics at CentraleSupélec – University Paris Saclay. He is also an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation journal.

Since the last 20 years, Yannick Perez has published more than 90 articles and book chapters in Energy related topics including contributions in Applied Energy, Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Ecological Economics and Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review.

At the Florence School of Regulation, he is the Head of the Electromobility unit and a Part-Time Professor.

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