Maria Francesca Lucente

Research Fellow in the Comesto Project at the University of Calabria (Unical) and PhD Student in Civil Law and Constitutional Legality at the University of Camerino

Maria Francesca Lucente graduated in Law with full marks at the University of Calabria (2015), Civil lawyer (2018), private law expert at the University of Calabria and specialized with full marks in Civil Law at the University of Camerino with a thesis on “La comunità energetica quale nuovo strumento di partecipazione attiva dei cittadini al mercato delle energie rinnovabili. La forma giuridica della comunità energetica nel quadro regolatorio vigente…”; research fellow in the field of “Energy Communities” in the Comesto Project at the University of Calabria (Unical), recently PhD Student in Civil Law and Constitutional Legality at the University of Camerino. Author of several important scientific publications in Civil Law, Labor Law and Energy Law.

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