Elena Iorio

Administrative Staff
Connect with Elena

Elena Iorio is responsible for organising events and seminars at the FSR and for logistic and administrative support to the FSR team.

She has studied in Venice, Berlin, Florence and Paris, and earned the PhD from the Department of History and Civilization of the EUI in 2014. She is an experienced editor and has worked for many years in the Italian publishing industry (Rizzoli Education, Mondadori). Her previous position was as Project Assistant at the Migration Policy Centre (RSCAS/EUI), where she was scientific coordinator of the Migration Summer School.

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CfDs for renewables deployment: multiple design choices to support them all

On 26 June 2024, FSR Part-time Professor Lena Kitzing presented the FSR technical report “Contracts-for-Difference to support renewable energy technologies:…

Emission Trading Systems, their fiscal progressivity and its limits
Emission Trading Systems, their fiscal progressivity and its limits

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