Drake is an energy economist with expertise at the intersection of economics, regulation, and finance – with a particular emphasis on the hydrogen, natural gas, and electric power sectors. Drake is currently a Senior Associate in Charles River Associates’ (CRA) Energy Practice. Drake focuses on advising global clients as they develop strategies related to energy market economics and infrastructure development. Drake also supports the development of expert testimony for domestic litigation and international arbitration disputes related to energy markets and infrastructure.
Prior to his current role, Drake was a graduate research assistant in the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI). Drake was a co-author on the MITEI Future of Storage study and the architect of the hydrogen production tecno-economic analysis (TEA) module of the Sustainable Energy Systems Modeling Analysis Environment (SESAME). Drake’s Master’s thesis focused on modeling hydrogen network dynamics and assessing federal regulatory frameworks for the development of interstate hydrogen transmission infrastructure within the United States.
Drake’s work has been published in The Electricity Journal and other academic texts. Drake’s also been invited to speak both domestically and internationally on matters related to the regulation of hydrogen and system planning.
Drake earned a Master of Science in Technology and Policy, with a focus on Energy Economics and Finance, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, with a focus on Operations Research and Economics, from the University of Texas at Austin.
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