FSR joins new EU initiative to monitor & support the development of energy communities 

FSR partners up with REScoop.eu (lead), Energy Cities, FEDARENE and Akaryon for the newly-launched European Commission's Energy Communities Repository initiative.

On 20 April in Brussels, the European Commission launched the Energy Communities Repository, an initiative aimed at supporting and monitoring energy communities’ activities across Europe. The Repository will support the Member States, citizens, local authorities, companies and financial institutions in engaging with energy communities within the framework of the European Green Deal and the EU Climate Pact. Citizens and communities have also a role to play in improving Europe’s energy security by taking an active role in the energy transition and energy markets. 

The Florence School of Regulation (FSR), led by the Climate Area, participates in the consortium implementing the Repository and will be responsible for monitoring the transposition of the Clean Energy Package in the Member States, supporting the preparation of policy and regulatory reports and organising a policy dialogue. FSR will work together with the partners of the initiative REScoop.eu (lead), Energy Cities, FEDARENE and Akaryon. 

The Repository will provide policy analysis and insights for policymakers, regulators and financial institutions, support energy communities through technical assistance and training, and gather data on their development at the EU level.   

With access to secure, sustainable, and affordable energy being at the centre of attention today in Europe, energy communities represent one of the solutions to this crisis.  

 In practice, the Energy Communities Repository activities will consist of: 

1. Policy and data collection for analysis​ 

The Repository aims to increase awareness, understanding and engagementaround the topic of energy communities. The coordination team will analyse and provide guidance to the Member States, regulators, EU policymakers and financial institutions on the landscape, forms, challenges, legal and regulatory frameworks and benefits of energy communities.  

​2. Technical Assistance 

The Energy Communities Repository will offer direct technical assistance, online twinning and peer-learning activities, and EU and national capacity-building webinars and workshops. 

The initiative will support at least 150 energy communitiesin setting up their groups, advancing their projects and developing financing concepts and will train national expertsto support the development of national one-stop shops. 

3. Best practices and toolbox 

Through a dedicated website, the Energy Communities Repository will share best practices, guidance materials, a policy analysis database, a map of energy communities and a helpdesk, among others. 

The initiative was kicked off in Brussels on 20 April 2020, with a networking event that saw the participation of the partners. Watch the recording of the launch event here 




Stay tuned! 

  • Check out the website and the first call for applications for Technical Assistance! 
  • Subscribe to the newsletter or ask questions at info@ec-repository.eu 
  • Contact FSR experts on energy communities: Nicolo Rossetto, Albert Ferrari 
  • Follow the initiative on social media #EUenergycommunities 

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