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In the EU buildings are responsible for 40% of energy consumption. 36% of the GHG emissions in the energy sector are related to buildings. The renovation has been a recognised priority of many governments in the EU. Still the developments in the renovation of the buildings have been slow. Only 1% of buildings are renovated per year. This put into question the achievement of the EU’s energy objectives.

The European Commission recently published Renovation Wave Strategy aiming to change this. It targets at least doubling the renovation rates. The renovations should lead to substantially higher energy and resource efficiency and decarbonisation of heating and cooling.

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How to break existing barriers? How to provide well-targeted financing? How to connect the European ambition with national and local policies? What new European regulation to expect?

These are the issues we will be tackling during our debate.




Stefan Moser, European Commission, DG ENER, Head of Unit

Gaspard Demur, European Commission, DG ENER



Christopher Jones, European University Institute, FSR

Andris Piebalgs, European University Institute, FSR



The focus of the debate series is on policy issues to be discussed by a panel of experts. Learn more about the FSR series.

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Chiara Canestrini

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Navigating Global LNG Trade Dynamics and Geopolitical Challenges in 2040
Navigating Global LNG Trade Dynamics and Geopolitical Challenges in 2040

Securing Europe’s Energy Future: Join us for the first instalment of this quarterly theme in the FSR Insights series Sebastian…

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