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The event “The European Energy Transition: A year ahead of the Twenties” will look at the most important issues related to energy for the next few years. The event will coincide with the launch of the book ‘The European Energy Transition: Actors, Factors, Sectors’ and an ENTSO-E – FSR online course on the same topic.

What are the energy topics that will mark the next decade? How are the targets of at least 40% cut in greenhouse gas emissions, of at least 32% of Renewables and of 32,5% increase in energy efficiency set to shape the next decade? What are the institutions that we need and how will Brexit impact the Energy Union? Will Horizon Europe take the innovation imperative from promise to practice? Will Europe continue to benefit from its high standard of security of supply? And will COP 25, taking place at the end of 2019, will see a credible clean energy-oriented Europe in the lead?

The event, co-organised by FSR, Bruegel and the Jacques Delors Foundation, will see high-level speakers present their views on these topics.

Learn more and register for the event here


Rue de la Charité 33, 1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode
Brussels, 1210 Belgium
Daniela Bernardo


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