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The Policy Advisory Council discusses the most topical regulatory and policy issues and debates the relevance and robustness of the latest FSR research findings.

The meeting gathers renowned academics, experts from the FSR-Energy Major Donors, the European Commission, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and National Regulatory Authorities.

The event is structured as follows:

Day 1

  • Session 1: EV Charging policies and business models – Lessons Learnt and vision of the future
  • Session 2: Integrating EVs into the network as load and utilising V2X capabilities

Day 2

  • Session 1: Gas Terminology (sector coupling project)
  • Session 2: Opal Ruling: Solidarity and access to  gas infrastructure


Please note this is a closed event and participation is by invitation only.

Badia Fiesolana – Teatro
Via dei Roccettini, 9
San Domenico di Fiesole, FL 50014 Italy
Mara Radulescu
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