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Peer-to-peer energy

Decarbonisation, decentralisation and digitalisation are reshaping the way electricity is produced, traded and consumed. New energy models are emerging, and with them, new opportunities as well as unprecedented challenges.

In this online event, we will explore the barriers to the development of peer-to-peer energy, including the legal ones.



  • Leonardo Meeus (FSR/Vlerick Business School)
  • Lucila de Almeida (FSR/Wageningen University)
  • Nicolò Rossetto (FSR)
  • Saskia Lavrijssen (Tilburg University)
  • Cristoph Burger (ESMT Berlin)

This interactive session will include a Q&A and polls for the audience.

The event will be recorded and live-streamed on our social media channels.


The series focuses on the insights from the FSR research.  These online events will give the FSR researchers the chance to share our research findings and to collect feedback on ongoing research by engaging with the audience and invited experts.

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More on the topic

Between new trading platforms and energy communities

Highlights from the Global Observatory on peer-to-peer energy trading, community self-consumption and transactive energy models

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Online Event
Chiara Canestrini
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Img speaker
Lucila de Almeida
Wageningen University & Research
Img speaker
Nicolo Rossetto
Img speaker
Leonardo Meeus
Img speaker
Saskia Lavrijssen
Tilburg Law School
Img speaker
Christoph Burger
ESMT Berlin

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