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The new episode of FSR Talks hosted by Prof. Jean-Michel Glachant welcomes Prof. Benjamin Hobbs, John Hopkins University in Baltimore to discuss electricity transmission in the US and Europe. Astrid Brunt, Statnett, Norway, will join the speaker as a discussant.


Watch the recording:

Ben will review the US’s successes (or lack thereof) in building the transmission needed for the transition, including institutional obstacles, interconnection queue backlogs, and economic and environmental bottlenecks.  Stringing more wires is not the only way to solve the problem; smarter congestion management is needed too. Other potential solutions are in the report he recently authored with Jessica Lau for USDOE on “Electricity Transmission System Research and Development: Economic Analysis and Planning Tools“.


A Q&A with the audience will follow.


About the speaker


Ben is a Visiting Scholar at FSR. He directs the new EPICS (Electric Power Integration for a Carbon-free Society) Centre at Hopkins, Imperial College, and the University of Melbourne.  He also chairs the Market Surveillance Committee of the California Independent System Operator and is a Fellow of IEEE and INFORMS. He is an applied economist and operations researcher.
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Chiara Canestrini
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