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Digitalization is transforming the energy sector by improving the efficiency in the planning, operation, and maintenance of the physical infrastructure, while opening the door to new forms of interactions and products in the energy field. The aggregation of distributed energy resources, the smart management of energy appliances and the trade of energy peer-to-peer are among the many opportunities that the digitalisation of energy supports.

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However, for digitalization to have its full impact and support a vibrant and competitive industry, data interoperability is key. Easy access to data and seamless sharing of information by different actors and applications is a necessary prerequisite for digitalisation to support the delivery of a low-carbon energy system with the consumers at its centre.

Energy is not the only sector being transformed by digitalization. Other industries are equally being disrupted. In this online event, we will discuss with academics active in the telecom and healthcare sector:

  • why policymakers and regulators are well-advised to look beyond the boundaries of the energy sector.
  • what we can learn from the experiences with digitalisation in telecom and with interoperability in healthcare.
  • how we can successfully deliver on the promise of a digitalised citizen-centred energy sector.


  • Leonardo Meeus (FSR)


  • Nicolò Rossetto (FSR)
  • Valerie Reif (FSR)


  • Volker Stocker (TU Berlin)
  • Angelina Kouroubali (ICS-FORTH)


The series focuses on the insights from the FSR research.  These online events will give the FSR researchers the chance to share our research findings and to collect feedback on ongoing research by engaging with the audience and invited experts.

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We acknowledge the financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 project INTERRFACE (grant agreement No 824330).

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Online Event
Chiara Canestrini


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Volker Stocker
TU Berlin
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Angelina Kouroubali
Img speaker
Nicolò Rossetto
Img speaker
Valerie Reif
Img speaker
Leonardo Meeus

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