Over the years, dynamic retail electricity tariffs (also known as time-varying tariffs) have been applied in varying forms around the globe, mostly for commercial and industrial consumers but increasingly also for residential consumers.
Designing dynamic tariffs at the residential level can be more complicated than for large consumers due not only to significant infrastructure requirements but also to political economy issues surrounding the supply of electricity to individual citizens and households.
Nevertheless, they are becoming more prevalent in order to efficiently integrate more variable renewable energy sources and to manage increasing demand resulting from the electrification of the economy such as in the transport sector.
In this debate, our panellists will share their insights and experiences in implementing dynamic tariffs around the world. We will cover the following questions:
If you are interested in learning more on this topic read FSR Global’s recently published “Dynamic retail electricity tariffs: choices and barriers”.
The policy brief reviews sixteen international case studies on the implementation of dynamic retail electricity tariffs are reviewed to identify the design and implementation choices that have to be made when introducing such tariffs. The policy brief highlights that before implementing dynamic tariffs, it is essential to conduct a careful cost-benefit analysis of the effects on consumers, suppliers and the overall implementation system. Moreover, enabling innovative business models and technologies will help to derive the maximum benefit from the application of dynamic tariffs.
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