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The purpose of this 7th Florence Rail Forum is to crystallise the different national regulatory rail «philosophies», which are unavoidable elements that have to be taken into consideration when it comes to the implementation of all the European directives.

In early 2013 the European Commission published the 4th Railway Package. This Package is another step towards the European Commission’s vision of a Single European Railway Area and as such will contribute to further shaping the European railway sector. Therefore, this Forum aims at highlighting the different national specificities this new package will have to face during its implementation at the national level. Following the usual format of the Florence School of Regulation, the 7th Florence Rail Forum aims at offering a platform to senior stakeholders from regulators, politics, railway undertakings, infrastructure managers, rail suppliers, authorities, associations and academics to take stock of topics relevant to rail regulation and policies. The environment provided by European University Institute helps to faciliate an open dialogue among key players.

On November 29th, the discussion on the current challenges of rail regulation in Europe will be kicked off by European Regulators. Among the others:

  • Agnès Bonnet, Head of European Policy, ORR (UK)
  • Fabio Croccolo, General Director, URSF (Italy)
  • Mervi Kaikkonen, Head of the Finnish Rail Regulatory Body, TraFi (Finland)
  • Goran Matesic, Head of Arbitration Board, ARTZU (Croatia)
  • Peter Menich, Head of the Department Railway Regulation, NKH (Hungary)
  • Karsten Otte, Head of Department Railway Regulation, BNetzA (Germany)
  • Jacques Prost, Deputy Director, ILR (Luxembourg) and IRG-Rail Vice-Chair
  • Michael Vermuelen, Secretary General, ARAF (France)

Mr Keir Fitch, Deputy Head of Cabinet of the Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas, and Mr Thomas Kaufmann, Principal Lawyer at the Single Railway Area Unit (DG MOVE), will participate and engage in the debate.

For more information and early registration please contact  FSR.transport@eui.eu


Final programme


Summary of the presentations


Introduction to the 7th Florence Rail Forum – MATTHIAS FINGER

A view from the Cabinet of the Transport Commissioner – KEIR FITCH

The European Commission perception of national regulatory philosophies – THOMAS KAUFMANN

Is there a “Nordic way” of regulating railways? – JOHANN METZNER

Regulating the Regulators. A Formal Law-Based Philosophy – RENÉE ELZINGA

Rail Regulation in Great Britain – AGNÈS BONNET

Experiences and challenges in the Hungarian Rail Market – PÉTER MENICH

Is there a “Latin way” of regulating railways? – MICHEL VERMEULEN

Is there a Latin way of rail regulation? – ANDREA CESARINI

New Member State Experience – GORAN MATESIC

Do we need a European Regulator? – JACQUES PROST

Villa La Fonte
Via delle Fontanelle, 18
San Domenico di Fiesole, Firenze 50014
Nadia Bert

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