Work towards the Single European Sky is currently proceeding with the recent nomination of Eurocontrol as the Network Manager, the implementation of the FABs to be completed by the end of this year, performance objectives for RP1 to be met, and work towards RP2 ones launched in June 2011.
Performance-based regulation is new to the air sector. Actors have to work in a new environment joining efforts to meet FAB or network level targets, while also looking at their own ones. This requires coordination among multiple stakeholders -who sometimes have conflicting interests- as well as the will and the institutional arrangements for stakeholders to work together. For example, actors need to set up ways to complement each other in meeting performance targets.
Recently the Performance Review Body published its assessment of National/FAB Performance Plans stating that “these Performance Plans collectively are not too far from the EU-wide targets” and that this “constitutes a very solid and encouraging base”. How can actors move forward and how can the necessary efforts in meeting the performance targets be coordinated?
The 3rd Florence Air Forum aims at bringing the relevant stakeholders to the table and discuss the problems that arise along the implementation process of the SES and its performance objectives. We aim to have a constructive debate kicked-off by the following questions:
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Final Programme
The Single European Sky – how to achieve its performance? – MATTHIAS FINGER
A view from SESAR Joint Undertaking – FLORIAN GUILLERMET
A view from EuroControl – ALAIN FOURNIÉ
A view from the Military – VIRGINIO BERNABEI
Performance Based Work and Its Impact on Workforce – MARC BAUMGARTNER
A view from the Danish and Swedish FAB – MORTEN DAMBAEK
A view from the ANSPs – TAMÁS ZSOLNAY
A view from Air Berlin – HERMANN LINDNER
A view from Schiphol Group – ILONA CROMMENTUIJN
Academic Contribution (University of Trieste) – LORENZO CASTELLI
Academic contribution (Cranfield University) – PERE SUAU-SANCHEZ
Road Safety – Making Use of Data Generated from Connected Vehicles for Public Interest Background Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility…
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