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The achievement of the objectives of the Single European Sky requires stakeholders to work together and attain their own objectives as well as network–wide targets. And targets are expected for more key performance areas. A shift in approach is required with operators working along with the Network Manager, designated as Eurocontrol, to accomplish network objectives.

This second European Air Transport Regulation Forum organized at the Florence School of Regulation focuses on the benefits and challenges associated with:

  • taking a network perspective in managing capacity and operations in air transport
  • doing so with a Network Manager and with the involvement and cooperation of all stakeholders
  • keeping in mind key performance indicators at both network and at single operator levels

Cooperation, including civil/military cooperation, is key as is true integration of service provision, for instance via FABs and close cooperation among airports and the Network Manager.

On June 24th we aim to facilitate a constructive discussion on the governance of air traffic and, in particular, on the following points:

  • how can performance in the new network framework be delivered?
  • how may stakeholders – e.g. Network Manager, Performance Review Board, FABs, ANSPs, airports, airlines – interact efficiently?
  • how can airports be effectively integrated in the ATM system and how can capacity be aligned?

Following the usual format of the Florence School of Regulation, the Forum aims to bring together stakeholders to take stock of the present situation and discuss the future steps in the informal environment provided by the European University Institute.

For more information please contact FSR.transport@eui.eu


Final Programme

Summary of the presentations


Introduction to the 2nd Florence Air Forum –  MATTHIAS FINGER

The SES Network Manager – JOE SULTANA

ICAO’s perspective on Network Management – LÉON VONLANTHEN

Regulation of Air Navigation in Europe – CESAR RAFFO

Gate to Gate Air Transport Network Management – The View of IFATCA – MARC BAUMGARTNER

The SWIM Legal Framework – ANNA MASUTTI 

Schiphols Perspective on Network Management – ILONA CROMMENTUIJN

Geneva Airport’s Perspective on Network management – FRANCOIS DURET

FAB EC’s Perspective on Network Management – HANS PLETS

The Perspective of Low Fares Airlines on Network Management – JOHN HANLON

Villa La Fonte
Via delle Fontanelle, 18
San Domenico di Fiesole, Firenze 50014

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David Kupfer

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