Join 400+ innovators at THE European event on innovation in power networks: 2019 InnoGrid2020 + Conference
The 2019 InnoGrid2020 + Conference, co-organised by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and the European Distribution System Operators’ Association (E.DSO), will take place in Brussels on 13-14 May 2019.
This year’s conference will focus on ‘Connecting Physics and Digits: Power Platforms on the Rise.’ You will hear from the industry’s CEOs on innovation strategies dos and don’ts, discover today’s rising power platforms, and debate needed support from regulation, policy and financing. The interactive breakout sessions and networking exhibition will get you acquainted with pilots and projects on key matters such as active system management, sector coupling and storage, advanced grid resilience and innovations for the physical grid.
Don’t miss the annual event on innovation in the European electricity networks & register now
As for previous editions, we are expecting no less than 400 participants from the industry, associations, EU institutions, regulators, academic world and EU Member States to debate developments for our electricity grids of the future.
2019 InnoGrid2020+ is sponsored by Epri and Smart Wires and by Cyient, n-Side and Supergrid Institute. The event is organised in the partnership with the Florence School of Regulation, ISGAN and LFEnergy.
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