The aim of the 1st Florence Aviation Regulation Conference is to bring researchers from multiple disciplines together to discuss current economic and regulatory policies relating to air transport and to identify regulatory challenges on the horizon. Through interaction with participants from academia as well as selected industry representatives and policy makers, the scope of the Conference will be on finding practical solutions through rigorous academic dialogue and constructive debate.
The Conference organizers launch this call for original papers that cover the various aspects of Aviation Regulation that focuses either on a country or a region, or on more transversal issues such as sustainable aviation, regulatory competition, airport and air traffic management capacity, aviation security and facilitation, and logistics and supply chains.
Contributions utilizing multidisciplinary, as well as interdisciplinary approaches to regulation, are very welcome. Authors of papers that link academia and practice, as well as policy research papers, are particularly encouraged to answer this call.
The conference is intended for academics, as well as academically minded practitioners. Papers from PhD researchers are also welcome. The best papers will be eligible for publication in a book on Transport Regulation in Europe, to be published by a leading publisher.
The Conference is co-organized by the Transport Area of the Florence School of Regulation of the European University Institute and the International Institute of Air and Space Law of Leiden University. The Conference will take place in Florence (Italy).
The format of the Florence Conference on the Regulation of Aviation will be the following:
This is a 1-day conference, aiming to discuss 10/12 papers and engage a selected group of 30/40 individuals including leading academics, high-level stakeholder representatives, public officials into a fruitful policy debate.
Professor Kenneth Button (George Mason University Schar School of Policy and Government), former Advisor to the Secretary General of the OECD, will set-up the scene and establish the relevant topics for discussion. This introductory speech will be followed by the presentation of the selected Academic Papers in main sessions for senior researcher and in parallel sessions for junior researchers
Free Attendance, but registration is required.
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