Climate Policy

FSR Climate aims to provide a reliable source for information, analysis, and evaluation of EU climate policies ex-post and a forum for discussion of research carried out in this area.

Our main research interests are the EU Emissions Trading System, the renewable energy promotion, the distributional impact of climate policy, energy efficiency policies and environmental and energy taxation.

Our events (workshops, conferences, online events, and others) and training courses (both residential and on-line) involve researchers and the policy and business communities for the purposes of developing and discussing research that evaluates EU climate policies.

Climate Knowledge

Reforming ESG : a European and Global South perspective
Environment and development economics, 2025, OnlineFirst

The EU's non-financial reporting (NFR) regulations have significant impacts on Global South stakeholders, firms that must report, actors lower in the value chain, and organisations seeking investment from NFR-compliant firms…

BORGHESI, Simone;CONSTANTINI, Valeria;D'AMATO, Alessio;DIBATTISTA, Ilaria;KOUNDOURI, Phoebe;LI, Qinci;MAZZARANO, Matteo;STERNER, Thomas;TIWARI, Mira Manini;VIS, Peter;XEPAPADEAS, Anastasios
Back from COP29: New momentum for carbon markets
Back from COP29: New momentum for carbon markets

On Friday 22 November 2024, the 29th UN Climate Conference ended, leaving most negotiators disappointed about the slow progress and…

Building the capacity of developing countries to implement climate policies: the case of carbon pricing
Building the capacity of developing countries to implement climate policies: the case of carbon pricing

The objectives of the Paris Agreement require that all countries, be they advanced economies (AEs) or emerging markets and developing…

Transactions data in the EU transaction log

The EU Transaction Log (EUTL) records all transfers of allowances in the EU Emissions Trading system (EUETS). In this short note we provide an introduction into transactions under the EUETS.…

Climate justice: multiple ways to look at it
Climate justice: multiple ways to look at it

On October 23’s online event, Kian Mintz-Woo from University College Cork presented a justice framework focused on climate change and…

Championing climate justice and green innovation: meet Prof Ginevra Le Moli, FSR
Championing climate justice and green innovation: meet Prof Ginevra Le Moli, FSR

The FSR is an academic institution committed to addressing today’s most pressing global challenges via interdisciplinary research and policy dialogue.…

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The school carries out multidisciplinary research with the purpose of developing economically, legally, and socially-sound regulation and policy.

Training courses

Designed by an international faculty of academics and the main experts in the field, our courses are designed to meet the educational needs of professionals at all levels.

Policy events

Our events bring together the world of academia and practice to offer a vast range of opportunities for open discussion and practice sharing.

Upcoming Events

Workshop on EU ETS Carbon Market Indicators
Workshop on EU ETS Carbon Market Indicators

This workshop is organised in the context of the LIFE COASE project which aims to provide knowledge for improved emissions…

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