School on Economics and policy of trade and climate change

4 DAY Residential Course

The Florence School of Regulation (FSR) and the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE) are delighted to announce the seventh edition of the Master, PhD and Post-doctoral School on “Economics and policy of trade and climate change”.

The Summer School will be held in October at the European University Institute on the Tuscan hills surrounding Florence. The programme of the School will consist of four days of teaching by prominent academics, supplemented by students’ presentations and a roundtable with policymakers.

The instructors will be:

  • Valeria Costantini (Roma Tre University): “Environmental regulations, carbon leakage and trade
  • Fabio Santeramo (Università di Foggia; European University Institute): “Non-tariff measures in agriculture and climate change
  • Giorgia Giovannetti (Università di Firenze; European University Institute): “Green supply chain and trade with Non-EU markets
  • Christoph Böhringer (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg) “Potential impacts and challenges of CBAM

The School is organised in collaboration with Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) and with the support of the European Association of Environmental Resource Economists (EAERE)

Course director
Simone Borghesi
Course director
Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
  • Dates
    02 Oct 2023 - 05 Oct 2023
  • Level
  • Location
    Badia Fiesolana, Fiesole - Italy
  • Type
  • Register by
    15 Jul 2023

The Summer School will consist of four days (Monday morning to Thursday morning) of teaching by prominent academics, supplemented by students’ presentation and a roundtable with policymakers. The Summer School’s main goal is to provide participants with the economic foundations of the complex relationship between trade and climate change as well as to dig deeper into the policy aspects that may affect this relationship, such as price-based policies, non-tariff trade policies, technological barriers to trade.


The teaching will be of a ‘learning by doing’ style based on instructors’ papers that are considered frontier in the field, where students can see applications of methodologies/models that they have previously learned.

The instructors are all researchers and prominent academics:

  • Valeria Costantini (Roma Tre University): “Environmental regulations, carbon leakage and trade
  • Fabio Santeramo (Università di Foggia; European University Institute): “Non-tariff measures in agriculture and climate change
  • Giorgia Giovannetti (Università di Firenze; European University Institute): “Green supply chain and trade with Non-EU markets
  • Christoph Böhringer (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg): “Potential impacts and challenges of CBAM

Accepted applicants will be provided with readings in advance to support their preparation for the School. Beyond the classes, there will be a roundtable with policymakers as well as students’ research presentation sessions. Accepted applicants will have slots to present their research or research proposal.

Learning outcomes
  • Recall facts and concepts on economics, environmental regulation, and trade.
  • Interpret the complex relationship between trade and climate change.
  • Discuss the economic foundations of economic change, and deliver effective, academic-quality presentations.
  • Analyse the policy aspects that affect the relationship between trade and climate change, such as price-based policies, non-tariff trade policies, technological barriers to trade.
  • Critically evaluate the multiple theoretical perspectives offered by instructors and colleagues.
  • Generate new knowledge in terms of original academic contributions.
  • Develop a participants’ network for students and scholars interested in the topic, connecting them with top academics in the field.
Target group and knowledge level

The Summer School is targeted at PhD students in Economics. Participants in their last year of the Master’s programme and Post-doctoral researchers in the same academic field are also welcome.

  • Attendance at the School will be certified.
  • Accepted applicants must attend the School for its entire duration.
  • Applicants are invited to check with the course organiser at their institution if they can obtain credit for their coursework.
  • Accepted applicants must be proficient in English.

€500 (including lunches, coffee breaks and two evening gatherings). Accommodation and travel are not covered.

Please notice that once the applications are accepted, the final registration to the School is reserved for IAERE Members. The fee does not include the IAERE membership fee (20€ for Master and PhD students). Before the Summer School, participants who are not yet IAERE Members will be kindly requested to register for IAERE membership.


The Organisers: Simone Borghesi, Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Alessio D’Amato, Jacopo Cammeo, Albert Ferrari, Monique Cavallari, Elena Parimbelli, Daniela Bernardo

Local Committee: Simone Borghesi, Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, and Jacopo Cammeo

How to apply?

The selection will be based on a motivation letter and CV.

Mandatory documents (to be uploaded as a single pdf file and sent by email to are:

  • curriculum vitae
  • motivation letter (max 1 page)
  • if interested in presenting ongoing research, a short abstract (300 words max) describing it. Please note there will be a limited number of short slots (10 min each)

The deadline for applications is 15 July 2023. Please apply by sending the mandatory documents to (subject: FSR-IAERE School 2023).

Important dates

  • 15 July 2023: Deadline for applications
  • 30 July 2023: Acceptance notifications
  • 30 August 2023: Papers are sent in preparation for the School
Course Faculty

Any doubt?
Contact your course facilitator

Contact Jacopo
Course in numbers
Experts Involved

FSR Alumni Day - 2nd edition

25 October 2024, Florence

Join us for a unique opportunity to reconnect and stay updated on the latest policy developments in the fields you previously studied.


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