Electric Vehicles – Mobility meets the Power System 

9 WEEK Online Course

Charging Infrastructure & Power System Integration of Electric Vehicles

In the past 10 years, the deployment of Electric Vehicles has been growing at a rapid rate. As EV manufacturers around the world keep rolling out new models, the power sector is exploring avenues with new technologies to prepare itself to cope with the challenges arising from this transition. 

This specialized 9-week online course is designed explicitly for stakeholders and decision-makers from industry, regulation, and civil society who wish to pursue the subject in depth and address the challenges posed by the ever-growing number of EVs on a global scale. 

The course will focus on: 

  • Sustainable mobility, challenges, and technological options. 
  • Policy and regulatory aspects to enhance a sustainable integration of electric vehicles (EV) 
  • Exploring industry readiness and challenges for enabling sustainable mobility. 
  • Exploring the deployment of the charging infrastructure required to serve the needs of the ever-growing number of EVs  
  • Analyse the potential of integrating EVs into the power system securely and efficiently  
  • Designing new business models to scale EV sustainable integration.  

Join FSR Global experts from around the world to dive into the policy and regulatory frameworks, as well as the business models supporting the development of EVs in Europe, the USA, Latin America, and Asia! 

Course director
Swetha RaviKumar
Course director
Yannick Perez
Register Now
  • Dates
    03 May 2024 - 02 Jul 2024
  • Level
  • Type
  • Workload
    4 hours/week
  • Register by
    02 May 2024
Course Objectives

This course will help you master:

  • unfolding the evolution of mobility and the current technological stand  
  • the building blocks and business models for a holistic EV charging infrastructure policy and regulation;   
  • how to manage additional EV load in the power system as well as the risks and mitigation avenues for grid integration. 
  • Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) applications, key enablers and unlocking V2X, V2G potential and taking it forward.  
Course programme

Welcome class: 3 May 2024, 2-3 pm CEST

Block I

Week 1 | Fundamentals of EVs

In this week, we will cover the fundamentals of the electric vehicle ecosystem, exploring the shifting trends in mobility evolution and how these trends are reshaping user preferences, behaviors in the realm of transportation. Next, we analyze the rising tide of electrification across geographies, and then move onto delving deeper into the pivotal role of government policies in catalyzing the transition to sustainable mobility. Through incentives, regulations, and investments in charging infrastructure, governments are playing a central role in accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles and fostering an ecosystem conducive to cleaner, more efficient transportation. 

  • Office Hour: 10 May 2024, 2-3 pm CEST

Week 2 | Integration of EVs

Through this week, we embark on an in-depth exploration into the policy and regulatory fundamentals governing electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, as well as the intricate landscape of charging business models. From pay-per-use models to subscription-based services and dynamic pricing strategies, we analyze the intricacies of charging business models and their implications for market dynamics and consumer behavior.
Additionally, we delve into the critical considerations surrounding the integration of EVs into the power system, including managing the additional load they bring and fundamental concepts of vehicle-to-grid (V2G), vehicle-to-home (V2H), and vehicle-to-grid (V2X) communication. We analyze the potential benefits of V2X integration, including grid stabilization, energy arbitrage, and explore the challenges and opportunities associated with widespread adoption. Furthermore, we examine the implications of EV adoption on tariff design including time-of-use rates, demand charges, and EV-specific tariffs, and explore strategies for aligning tariff structures with grid objectives and consumer preferences. 

  • Office Hour: 17 May 2024, 2-3 pm CEST

Block II

Week 3 | Electric Vehicle Technologies

In this week, our journey takes us into the realm of electric vehicle (EV) technologies, examining the industry’s readiness, implementation plans, and critical technology choices. We unravel the multifaceted dimensions of EV technology adoption, considering factors such as infrastructure development, vehicle manufacturing, and consumer preferences.
As we navigate through the landscape of EV technology readiness, we analyze the preparedness of various stakeholders to embrace the transition towards electric mobility. We scrutinize the investments, research, and development efforts driving technological advancements in electric vehicles, exploring emerging trends, innovations, and challenges facing the industry.
Central to our exploration is the examination of technology choices within the EV ecosystem. We dissect the diverse technological options available, shaping the evolution of electric vehicles, exploring their respective strengths, limitations, and suitability for different applications and use cases. Additionally, we explore the diverse applications of EV technology across industries and sectors, ranging from passenger vehicles and public transportation to commercial fleets and renewable energy storage.  

  • Master Class: 20 May 2024, 2-3 pm CEST
  • Live Panel with Sanyog Tiwari (EV Urjaa) (TBC), Jim Yan (Shenzhen GECKO New Energy) (TBC), Damien Pierre Sainflou (Stellantis), Lauren Schmidt (DCbeles), and Ramakrishna Singh (TATA Power) (TBC): 24 May 2024, 2-3 pm CEST

Week 4 | Policy and Regulation ecosystem for EVs

In this week, we expand our explorations further into the intricate policy and regulatory ecosystem for electric vehicles (EVs). We explore the various use cases of electric vehicles, considering their role in enhancing energy flexibility, reducing pollution, mitigating import dependencies, and addressing critical mineral supply chain challenges. We dissect the incentives and initiatives being implemented globally to promote EV adoption and address these pressing concerns, ranging from financial incentives and tax breaks to regulatory mandates and infrastructure investments.
Central to our exploration is the analysis of how different EV use cases drive the formulation and implementation of policies and incentives worldwide. We examine the diverse motivations and objectives behind EV policies, considering factors such as environmental sustainability, energy security, economic competitiveness, and technological innovation. We analyze how regulatory frameworks and financial incentives influence EV adoption rates, market competitiveness, and technological innovation in various regions and sectors. 

  • Master Class: 27 May 2024, 2-3 pm CEST
  • Office Hour: 29 May 2024, 2-3 pm CEST
  • Live Panel with Jaap Burger (RAP), Ben Wender (California Energy Commission), and Gertjan Geurts (Gemeente Utrecht): 31 May 2024, 2-3 pm CEST

Week 5 | Unlocking benefits for the power sector

In this week, we examine the strategies and initiatives aimed at unlocking benefits for the power sector with the integration of electric vehicles. Additionally, we explore innovative approaches such as the transformative potential of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technologies which enable the seamless integration of electric vehicles and distributed energy resources into the power system, thereby unlocking new opportunities for grid optimization and resilience.
Further, we examine how energy communities empower individuals and communities to participate in local energy markets, share renewable energy resources, and collaborate on energy generation, consumption, and storage initiatives. 

  • Master Class: 3 June 2024, 2-3 pm CEST
  • Live Panel with Antonio Bonvento (Terna) (TBC), Karima Boukir (Enedis) (TBC), and Rahul Bhanu (E.ON): 7 June 2024, 2-3 pm CEST

Week 6 | A framework for action 

In this week, our exploration dives deeper into a framework for action in addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by the electric vehicle mobility. As we tie in all the learnings from the preceding weeks, we adopt a holistic framework to explore the role of electric vehicles (EVs) in the broader context. 
Central to our exploration is the experts from the world of practice providing real-world examples of how different nations are implementing EV policies and leveraging electric vehicles to achieve their sustainability goals. We analyze case studies, best practices, and lessons learned from countries at the forefront of the energy transition, highlighting innovative approaches, policy frameworks, and stakeholder collaborations that drive progress towards a low-carbon future. 

  • Week 6 Master Class: 10 June 2024, 2-3 pm CEST
  • Week 6 Office Hour: 12 June 2024, 2-3 pm CEST
  • Week 6 Live Panel with Robin Berg (We Drive Solar), Willet Kempton (Nuuve), and Cristina Corchero (Bambu Energy – IREC): 14 June 2024, 2-3 pm CEST

Deadline Final Project: 16 June 2024

Final Live class: 2 July 2024, 2-3 pm CEST

Target group & Levels

The training is developed for managers and targets professionals from the power and mobility sector including government agencies, regulatory bodies, energy companies, energy utilities, development organizations, but also academics and researchers.

Some level of prior knowledge of the electromobility and power sector would be useful to dive into the course learnings, if not a quick reading of the course text should get you acquainted.

The participants can take the course on 3 different levels:

  • 1) Investigator (learning goal: to learn and understand the content)
  • 2) Advocate (Investigator + discuss and debate with colleagues and field specialists)
  • 3) Master (Advocate + take a mastery challenge, analyse and attempt to solve/improve a real-life case and receive feedback from the specialists of the particular case)

The amount of time required to take this course depends on the aimed course level as well as the level of expertise in the subject prior to joining the course:

  • Novice to Investigator: 4-6 hours/week
  • Novice to Advocate: 6-8 hours/week
  • Novice to Master: 8-10 hours/week
  • Expert (Advocate level understanding of the topic) to Master: 5 hours/week
Learning Experience
  • Interact with leading experts from the EV world
  • Learn from a wide range of global practices via case studies
  • Join live panels and forum discussions
  • Dive into a dedicated course text and supporting reading materials
  • Engage in group project and individual activities
  • Work on an innovative online platform, supported by a dedicated facilitation team
FSR Annual Scholarships

Each year, the Florence School of Regulation – Energy and Climate (FSR Energy & Climate) awards scholarships for a wide variety of training courses targeting a broad audience of professionals and academics.

Applications will be assessed by a Selection Committee of FSR members on a yearly basis. The successful candidates will be informed after February 2024 and will be provided with all relevant information on how to enroll in the online course or residential training of their choice.

Send your application by 28 January 2024.

Find more information here

Fees & Cancellation policy
  • General fee: 750 € 
  • Students (with certificate of current studies**): 440 € 
  • Four free seats for Star Donors
  • Two free seats for Major Donors
  • One free seat for Associate Donors


Special offer for group enrolments: 10% discount from 5 participants from the same organisation

Contact: fsr.secretariat@eui.eu 

Cancellation policy 

Paid registration fee is non-refundable. However, registrant substitution may be made up to 20 days before the start date of the course. 

For more information, please read the full FSR cancellation policy.

**Please kindly send your certificate of current studies with the stamp of your university to FSR secretariat (fsr.secretariat@eui.eu).
The start and end dates of your studies should also be clearly mentioned on the document. Please make sure that your period of studies fully covers the training course duration.

The Learning Approach
Personalised Learning
This course offers three different engagement levels, based on your prior knowledge and the amount of time you can dedicate to the course.
Live Classes
Every week, participants-led sessions to deep dive in the topic and interact with your instructors. Live classes are always recorded.
Group Project
A chance to collaborate with your peers on a country case and discuss it with the main experts in the field.
This course gives you instant feedback on your activity in the form of badges. The badges will be converted in the final certificate, which can be shared on your social networks.
Course Faculty

Any doubt?
Contact your course facilitator

Contact Marina
What Participants say about this course

A very well-structured course!

Participant of the 2022 edition

I was surprised by the diversity of students who took the course, it made the course discussion very fruitful with perspectives form different regions.

Participant of the 2020 edition

It was nice to have different speakers from all over the world during the live classes and the podcasts. They shared very useful insights and experiences.

Participant of the 2020 edition
Course in numbers
Experts involved

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