UIC study on the regulatory framework

The Florence School of Regulation has worked with the International Union of Railways to produce a report to identify the current challenges in the EU railways regulatory framework.

With the implementation of the Fourth Railway Package the process of structural reform of the EU
railways sector was completed. The present moment, characterised by the consolidation of the new
market structure, the emergence of competition, particularly in the passenger services segment,
and the imperative to decarbonise transport by means of shifting a significant share of traffic to rail,
and therefore increasing the capacity of the system, offers a timely opportunity to identify the areas
needing improvement, as well as the best practices to be reinforced.

The International Union of Railways (UIC) has created in 2021 a Working Group in its Intercity
and High-Speed committee (ICHSC) for the analysis of the current regulatory challenges stemming
from the implementation of the Fourth Railway Package. The ICHSC collaborates and supports
also universities through its Alliance of Universities for High-Speed Rail (AUHSR) and selected the
Transport Area of the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) in Florence, Italy for their background
and expertise but also as a respected institution in the European commission regarding regulation

A series of four dedicated workshops were held in the course of 2022, covering 12 different
topics identified as requiring further discussion and clarification, and involving the active participation
of a select group of experts. The main takeaways and recommendations stemming from these
discussions have been captured in this report.

A final fifth workshop in October 2022 was devoted to the presentation of the report to a wider
audience, including public authorities and a broader set of representatives, while providing an
additional opportunity for stakeholder reactions and discussions.

Read the full report.

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