The 7th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures- Interviews with the Authors of the Best Papers are available

The 7th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures took place in Florence on June 21st and June 22nd, 2018. The 7th edition of the conference aimed at taking stock of the major challenges infrastructure regulation is currently facing as a result of technology, indirect network effects, newly emerging network structures (decentralized networks, distributed networks, sharing economy), and new actors (prosumers, OTTs, platforms, etc).

Altogether 19 papers were presented, covering the following infrastructure sectors: communications and media, energy and climate, transport and mobility, and water distribution.

Now we are happy to present interviews with the authors of the best papers of the conference:

  1. Best Water Area paper Molinos-Senante, M.,Farias, R.”Economic Group´s Influence on the Efficiency and Quality of Service of Water Companies under Model-Firm Regulation”
  2. Best Energy&Climate Area paper Gautier, A., Jacqmin, J. “PV Adoption in Wallonia: The Role of Distribution Tariffs under Net Metering”
  3. Best Communications&Media Area paper Rossotto, C.M., Lal Das, P., Gasol Ramos, E., Clemente Miranda, E., and Badran, M.F. “Digital Platforms: A Literature Review and Policy Implications for Development”
  4.  Best Transport Area paper and the best paper of the conference  Vanrykel,F., Ernst, D., Bourgeois, M.”Fostering Share&Charge through proper regulation”

We would like to thank the keynote speaker of the conference Mr. Pierpaolo Settembri for joining us. Interview with Mr. Settembri on transport digitalisation, online platforms and research on network industries could be found here

We would like to thank all participants for the two days of interesting discussions and invite to join us next year, when we will discuss  Digitalization and new network industries (June 20th and 21st, 2019). 

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