To better reflect local grid conditions to consumers, many regulators are reforming their distribution network tariffs. In this literature review, we start by discussing the difference between short-run and long-run marginal pricing for distribution grids. Short-run marginal pricing is first-best but hard to implement in practice. Several authors therefore argue to that it makes sense to signal long-run marginal costs through a forward-looking charge based on a forward looking cost model. After, we compare four implementations of forward looking cost models that are currently being used in Great-Britain. Finally, we discuss the link between cost models and charge design. We formulate two conclusions. First, forward looking cost models are complex both for the regulator and the grid users. Designing cost-reflective distribution tariffs can help, but tariffs are regulatory tools with limitations. Second, we identify a gap in the literature. There is more academic work on charge design than on forward looking cost models.
The rewable energy resources within EU27 are highly dominated by wind and solar energy delivering electricity as output. As electrification is the most efficient way to deliver the energy services [...]
Manufacturing firms in the EU face the double challenge of decarbonisation and (international) competitive pressure. Based on the key findings of the 2024 EIB investment survey and considering the economic [...]
Regulation 1370/2007, as amended by the Fourth Railway Package, set the date of 25 December 2023 for the opening to competition of services subject to public service obligations. As opposed [...]
This policy brief contends that a new approach to Long Term Contracts (LTCs) in European competition policy based on new facts, new realities and a revised reasoning must be urgently [...]
In the North Seas region, a coalition of 9 countries expressed the ambition to quadruple their offshore wind capacity from 30 GW to 120 GW by 2030, and to then [...]
The EU's non-financial reporting (NFR) regulations have significant impacts on Global South stakeholders, firms that must report, actors lower in the value chain, and organisations seeking investment from NFR-compliant firms [...]
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