Energy | Technical Report
The EU clean energy package (ed. 2019)
10 October 2019
BY: NOUICER Athir, Leonardo Meeus
The EU Clean Energy Package, proposed by the European Commission in November 2016, includes eight legislative texts on the electricity market and consumers, Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency of buildings, Renewables & bioenergy sustainability as well as governance of the Energy Union. They were all published in the Official Journal of the European Union by June 2019. In this report, we will focus on two of the eight legislative texts; the Directive on common rules for the internal market in electricity (e- Directive) and the Regulation on the internal market for electricity (e-Regulation). We will assess their impact on the European internal electricity market rules compared to the framework established by the Third Energy Package, including the first generation of network codes. In the different topics, we present the final versions of the CEP provisions and highlight the main differences compared to initial proposals of the Commission. The structure of this report follows the structure of the Clean Energy Package online course. The first section on Electricity Markets is ‘Ensuring the internal market level playing field.’ The second section on Electricity Grids is ‘Adapting to the decentralization of the power system.’ The third, on the New Deal, is ‘Empowering customers and citizens.’ Keywords: European regulation, public interventions in electricity prices, network tariffs, capacity mechanisms, network codes, bidding zones, interconnectors capacity, EV charging infrastructure, electricity storage, DSO planning, DSO active network management, procurement of flexibility services, TSO-DSO coordination, EU DSO entity, active customers, smart metering, dynamic pricing, aggregators, citizens energy communities.
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