Virginie Boutueil

Researcher in the Socioeconomics of Mobility Field, LVMT, ENPC, Université Gustave Eiffel

Virginie Boutueil is a researcher in the socioeconomics of mobility field. Her research focuses on innovative mobility solutions, the digital transformation of mobility, and public policies. She holds an engineering degree, a master’s degree in energy and environmental economics and a doctorate in transport economics. She also worked for the Ministry of transport, at the General Directorate of Civil Aviation and at the French Embassy in China, before starting her career in academia.

More on Transport

Opening up PSO rail services in France to competition: opportunities and challenges for SNCF Voyageurs
Opening up PSO rail services in France to competition: opportunities and challenges for SNCF Voyageurs

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Opening up PSO services in France to competition: a true devolution of regional rail services
Opening up PSO services in France to competition: a true devolution of regional rail services

This opinion piece explains how France’s “New Rail Pact” promotes decentralized implementation of competitive tendering for regional rail services, giving…

Opening up PSO services in France to competition: work in progress
Opening up PSO services in France to competition: work in progress

This opinion piece explains the gradual opening of France’s passenger rail market to competition, emphasizing the role of the independent…

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