Mark Major

Transport Advisor, Environmental Defence Fund Europe

Mark Major specialises in transport and environment policy. He advises a number of organisations such as Environmental Defence Fund Europe, the SLOCAT Partnership and the Transport Decarbonisation Alliance. Previously Mark was Team Leader for Sustainable Urban Mobility for the European Commission based in Brussels and also negotiated for the EU the transport aspects in the UNFCCC, IMO and UNCSD multilateral processes. From 2003 – 2014 he was a Visiting Professor at the Chinese Academy of Transport Science (Ministry of Transport) in Beijing and has recently been working in Morocco, Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico.

Mark has an MBA in International Management from the American Graduate School of International Management (USA) and a Bachelor’s degree (with Honours) in Civil Engineering from Oxford Polytechnic (UK). Mark speaks English, French and Spanish and is based near Girona in the north of Spain.

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