Lennart Fahnenmuller

Senior Consultant, PKF Industrie- und Verkehrstreuhand GmbH

Lennart Fahnenmüller currently works as a Senior Consultant in the field of public transport consulting and auditing at PKF Industrie- und Verkehrstreuhand GmbH, Munich, Germany. Prior to joining the organisation, he was a research assistant at the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at Hamburg University of Technology and worked for DB Cargo AG in European Asset Management and Technology. He holds an Erasmus Mundus MSc. in Global Innovation Management (University of Strathclyde and Hamburg University of Technology) and a trinational BSc. in Mechatronics (Université de Haute-Alsace, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz and DHBW Lörrach). His previous conference contributions have touched on sustainability, innovation management and interdisciplinary issues. His current interest lies in the field of railway policy and competition at the interface with technical topics.

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