Jakob Puchinger

Anthropolis chair at the IRT SystemX and CentraleSupélec

Jakob Puchinger holds the Anthropolis chair at the IRT SystemX and CentraleSupélec. He is responsible for the scientific axis “Scientific calculation and optimization” at IRT SystemX and responsible for the “Operations management” team at the industrial engineering laboratory (LGI) of CentraleSupélec. Jakob Puchinger is also co-director of the Future Cities Lab at Centrale Beijing. His main research interests are in urban logistics, human-centered innovation for urban mobility as well as algorithmic optimization of the underlying transport systems. Jakob Puchinger is the author of over 80 scientific publications.

Recent Publications

More on Transport

Tendering Railway Public Service Obligation Contracts: A Balance Sheet
Tendering Railway Public Service Obligation Contracts: A Balance Sheet

This opinion piece explains the complexities and potential benefits of tendering public service obligation contracts for railway services in the…

Making Use of Data Generated from Connected Vehicles for Road safety
Making Use of Data Generated from Connected Vehicles for Road safety

The meeting on ‘Making Use of Data Generated from Connected Vehicles for Road Safety’ discussed road safety and how to…

Urban Planning: How can vehicle data for urban safety be best exploited? The city perspective.
Urban Planning: How can vehicle data for urban safety be best exploited? The city perspective.

The European Commission’s Vision Zero initiative sets ambitious targets: zero road fatalities by 2050 and a 50% reduction by 2030.…

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