Chiara Natalie Focacci

Research Associate
Connect with Chiara Natalie
English, French, German, Italian

Chiara Natalie Focacci is specialised in labour market policies, technological change, and the circular economy. She holds a PhD in Economics (University of Bologna), a PhD in Law (Erasmus University Rotterdam), and an MSc in Economic History (University of Oxford). She recently joined FSR Water as a Research Associate to partake in the EU-funded InnWater project led by Maria Salvetti and interested in enhancing water governance practices for a more sustainable future. Previously, she worked at UCL with Carlota Perez on the EU-funded Beyond 4.0. project, where she investigated reskilling measures during technological revolutions across countries and over time. She is also a Research Affiliate at the Law & Economic Centre of ETH and a Research Fellow at HEC Liege’s Laboratory for Studies on New Forms of Work, Innovation and Change. Her work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals including Technology in Society, International Review of Law & Economics, Social Policy & Administration, European Journal of Law & Economics, International Journal of Sociology & Social Policy, Plos ONE, Quantity & Quality.

Selected research output:

Focacci, C. N., & Perez, C. (2022). The importance of education and training policies in supporting technological revolutions: A comparative and historical analysis of UK, US, Germany, and Sweden (1830–1970). Technology in Society, 70, 102000.

Focacci, C. N. (2021). Technological unemployment, robotisation, and green deal: A story of unstable spillovers in China and South Korea (2008–2018). Technology in Society, 64, 101504.

Focacci, C. N. (2020). “You reap what you sow”: Do active labour market policies always increase job security? Evidence from the Youth Guarantee. European Journal of Law and Economics, 49(3), 373-429.

Focacci, C. N., & Quintavalla, A. (2020). Unpredictable spillovers among water uses? An analysis of agricultural, industrial, and household uses of water in the Balkans. Plos one15(7), e0235079.

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