Carla Rubí

Energy Lawyer
Connect with Carla

Carla Rubí is an Energy Lawyer from Spain. She works at Prat Rubí Advocats, a law firm specialized in Energy Law. She is also an Energy & Climate Policy Advisor in GEODE, an European association that represents more than 1200 local energy distributors, serving a population of 100 million people. Moreover, she is a Legal Advisor in ASEME, a Spanish association representing local energy distributors (and their supply companies) with more than 500.000 consumption points. As such, Carla is in constant dialogue with the main regulatory authorities and institutions within the energy sector at an European, national, regional and local level. 

Through Prat Rubí Advocats’ membership of AEEC (Associated European Energy Consultants), Carla has been participating in seminars and workshops organized by AEEC, where professionals of the energy sector exchange, discuss and collaborate.

 Carla studied at Pompeu Fabra University Law School and she did a semester in the University of Toronto. She holds a Master of Laws from the Barcelona School of Management – Pompeu Fabra University. In August 2019, she became a member of the Barcelona Law Society (Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Barcelona – ICAB)

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