Kenneth Button

FSR Advisor
Connect with Kenneth

Kenneth Button is a professor of public policy at the George Mason University Schar School of Policy and Government and a world-renowned expert on transportation policy. He has published, or has in press, some 80 books and more than 400 academic papers in the field of transport economics, transport planning, environmental analysis, and industrial organization.

Before coming to the Schar School, Button was an advisor to the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development where he headed up the OECD work on International Aviation (which produced The Future of International Air Transport Policy: Responding to Global Change).

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2nd Florence Aviation Regulation Conference
2nd Florence Aviation Regulation Conference

Introduction The 2nd Florence Aviation Regulation Conference aims to discuss the current and future economic and regulatory policies relating to air…

4th Florence Rail Regulation Conference
4th Florence Rail Regulation Conference

The 4th Florence Rail Regulation Conference aims to discuss advancements for accelerating the growth of the railways in the EU.…

Spring Policy Dialogues
Spring Policy Dialogues

Join us in Florence for 3 days of in-person events where we will convene our donors and renowned experts from…

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