Ronnie Belmans received his MSc degree in electrical engineering in 1979 and a PhD degree in 1984, both from KU Leuven, Belgium. In 1989 he added a Special Doctorate from the KU Leuven and in 1993 a ‘Habilitierung’, from the RWTH, Aachen, Germany. Currently, Ronnie Belmans is full professor at KU Leuven. His research interests include smart grids, security of energy supply, techno-economic aspects of the liberalisation of the electricity market and energy system modelling.
In Belgium, Prof. dr. ir. Ronnie Belmans was co-founder and chairman of EnergyVille, a research collaboration in Genk specializing in sustainable energy and intelligent energy systems, in cooperation with VITO, imec & UHasselt.
From 2016 till 2022 he was chairman of the board of directors of the VREG, the Flemisch regulator for electricity & gas markets.
He is also member of the board of directors of Niko and SCK/CEN and president of Scone.
Ronnie Belmans is also honorary chairman of the board of directors of ELIA, the Belgian transmission system operator.
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