In this podcast, Szymon Zaręba from the Polish Institute of International Affairs discusses the legislative developments surrounding the controversial Opal gas pipeline. The Opal pipeline was established in 2011 to export natural gas from the Nord Stream 1 pipeline across Germany to the Czech border, with it currently connecting with the JAGAL and STEGAL pipelines in Germany. Given the EU’s long-standing efforts to curtail the export monopoly of the Russian state-owned Gazprom, and with Russian gas still accounting for a third of Europe’s energy supplies, the pipeline remains one of the EU’s central energy disputes with Russia and has become a playing field for the exercise of EU law. Zaręba outlines the history of the pipeline project and details the complex legal developments surrounding its usage.
Did you miss our webinar with Professor Kim Talus on the Baltic Sea Pipelines and EU law? You can catch the recording here:…a-pipelines-eu-law/