In Italy, which means of transport do students and staff normally use to go to university? Also, do they know about the different forms of sharing mobility? If so, what impact does sharing mobility have on their transport habits when they go to university?
FSR-Transport supports the working group of the mobility managers of the Italian Universities (Coordinamento nazionale dei mobility manager delle Università italiane) to answer these questions. In particular, FSR-Transport circulates the “first national survey of means of transport and sharing mobility” among the EUI community. There are two goals for this survey: first, to collect reliable and up-to-date data on mobility at the national level; second, to gather background information to shape future mobility policies in the Italian Universities. Overall, the aim is to collect useful data to improve mobility and accessibility of the Italian Universities for all users.
The survey is part of a major effort to map and analyse the use of different sharing mobility services in Italy. In fact, the results of the survey will be part of the “National Report on the Development of Sharing Mobility in Italy”. This Report will be published by the end of the year by the National Network for Sharing Mobility (Osservatorio Nazionale sulla sharing mobility), a project of the Italian Ministry of Environment and the Sustainable Development Foundation.
For more information
Press Release (only in Italian)
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