FSR partners up with Edison in the launch of ‘Osservatorio R’

On Wednesday 10 July 2019 in Milan, the Florence School of Regulation participated in the launch of Osservatorio R – a new Observatory created by Edison to discuss and investigate the role of regulation and facilitate policy dialogue about the ongoing energy transition.

The Observatory was created by our partner and donor Edison. It will consist of various activities, including a series of seminars and training aimed to create a learning experience for Edison’s employees and function as an internal ‘school of regulation’. The seminars will have different scopes and audiences: some will take the form of round table discussions featuring experts and practitioners, others will be dedicated to the general public in the form of informative conferences, and others will consist in informal meetings.

FSR is one of the academic partners of Osservatorio R (together with RSE, Ricerche Sistema Energetico), and will contribute to the initiative by bringing the European perspective on the discussion table during the seminars. The first seminar and kick-off event of the initiative opened with a panel debate on the energy transition and the integrated climate and energy national plans that each one of EU Member States prepared in the past year and are will implement in the next decade under the scrutiny of the European Commission.

After an introductory speech by the President of the Italian regulatory authority (ARERA), Stefano Besseghini, our Director, Jean Michel Glachant, joined Andrea Guerrini (Member of ARERA), Maurizio Delfanti (CEO of RSE), and Nicolò Sartori (Senior Fellow at IAI – Istituto Affari Internazionali) in the panel.

While discussing the role of Europe in pursuing a proactive energy and climate policy, Professor Glachant referred to some of his latest publications: The European union energy transition: Key priorities for the next five years and Carbon pricing, decarbonisation and digitalisation: the future of and the challenges to the EU climate & energy policy.


More information on the initiative will be disclosed later this year.

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