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Regulation for technology developments in robotics and artificial intelligence is commonly seen as one of the important yet structurally neglected fields in research and political debate. This was highlighted in 2017 by the European Parliament report and a public consultation, indicating that a vast majority of citizens in Europe is regarding those developments as positive innovation fields but where further safeguards and regulations are needed (EP Resolution on Civil Law Rules on Robotics, 2015/2103(INL): Rapporteur Mady Delvaux). The workshop is directed at discussing the state of the art within the field of transportation, supply chain management and logistics as well as evaluating possible actions like regulation, agency- or industry-based approaches for establishing safeguards towards effective but risk-mitigating settings for this sector. This workshop will bring together academics and sector experts to discuss in a roundtable format. Three moderated sessions will address the crucial aspects of

  1. the state of the art of AI in transportation, SCM and logistics,
  2. the human factor, and
  3. future options.

Besides the open discussion regarding this new topic in research and practice, exchange among participants is also aimed at cooperation perspectives like

  • possible joint research grant proposals (e.g. HORIZON 2020 or other international calls),
  • a topical special issue of Network Industries Quarterly (6/2018, LINK) as contribution option,
  • a possible SI for an academic journal as a long-term publication option (e.g. JCRNI, IJL).

Participants from different disciplines in academia, politics, advisory as well as practice are welcome.

Discussions will be moderated by EUI Visiting Fellow Prof Matthias Klumpp and Prof Juan Montero.

For information on registration and participation please contact FSR.Transport@eui.eu 

Organiser: David Kupfer




Welcome & Introduction -MATTHIAS KLUMPP, FOM Essen, Fraunhofer IML, European University Institute; DAVID KUPFER, European University Institute

How AI and robotics help production and SCM today – ALBERTO REGATTIERI, FRANCESCO PILATI, University of Bologna

Requirements of logistics service providers towards IoT and AI – JULIAN SANDERS, Bohnen Logistik

Urban mobility – current and future challenges – ROBERTO MONTEMANNI, IDSIA

Truck driver training in Europe – An Introduction to FutureDRV – JAMES TILLYER, Transformotion UK & FutureDRV Project

Human motivation and AI collaboration – CAROLINE RUINER, Ruhr University Bochum

How to prepare workers for logistics innovations today & tomorrow -DOMINIC LOSKE, Rewe Group

Future options – How might we design cooperation between AI and humans? – MARIE BITTNER, Ruhr University Bochum

Conclusion and Outlook – MATTHIAS KLUMPP, FOM Essen, Fraunhofer IML, European University Institute; CAROLINE RUINER, Ruhr University Bochum


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Via Boccaccio 121
Firenze, 50133 Italy

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