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This FSR Policy Workshop on energy storage for a flexible multi-energy system

Storing energy is becoming key to create a more flexible and reliable energy system. Cost-effective and efficient storage is the next obstacle that needs to be overcome in the move to a higher and rapid deployment of renewable energy sources within the EU energy mix.

More complementary storage technologies are needed to support EU’s transition to a low-carbon economy and to meet different flexibility needs of a multi-energy system. Where RES penetration will displace an increasing share of dispatchable energy sources from the system, the need for seasonal storage becomes obvious to overcome risk of curtailment in the event of surplus and risk of disruption in the event of deficit. Already existing gas storage infrastructure close to demand centers can offer short, mid and long-term / seasonal flexibility and storage solutions at terawatt-hour scale. In addition, storage also enables a closer integration of the gas and electricity sectors through “sector coupling”.

What is the appropriate regulatory and market design to support the integration of higher shares of renewable energy with minimum curtailment and at optimised system cost? How to assess externalities related to the system and insurance values in a cross-sectoral flexibility market to unlock the full potential of large-scale storage?

To address these and other related issues, the Workshop organised jointly with Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) will be structured in three sessions:

  • Session 1 will review innovative services developed by gas storage operators to facilitate the future role of gas system to meet climate change targets. These innovative solutions include, amongst others, power-to-gas, hydrogen storage and decentralised storage.
  • Session 2 will expand the discussion to tackle a broader issue of what is needed to cope with both decarbonisation and competition goals.
  • Session 3 will be devoted to the regulatory framework for a sustainable storage market. An adequate market design that could enable sector coupling and deliver benefits, thus making the best use of a greater penetration of renewables to meet the EU decarbonisation objectives.

The event will conclude by issuing policy recommendations.

Among the confirmed speakers:

  • Cécile Prévieu | Storengy
  • Axel Wietfeld | Uniper Energy Storage
  • Stefan Moser | European Commission
  • Gergely Molnar | International Energy Agency
  • Frits van der Velde | EnergyStock
  • Michael Schmöltzer | Gas Infrastructure Europe


Gas Infrastructure Europe

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Villa Schifanoia – Sala Europa
Via Boccaccio, 121
Florence, 50133 Italy
Ilaria Conti
FSR Conferences


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