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New entrants used to find their way into electricity markets via the wholesale markets because balancing markets were more mechanisms than markets that were reserved for the happy few. Today, there are many new entrants that start as balancing service providers. The new entrants that are knocking on the door of electricity markets are also evolving from utility-scale renewables and industrial demand to asset-light software companies aggregating smaller resources, to larger companies supplying smart home systems, and energy communities. With every wave of new entrants, we need to reconsider the market rules because well-intended rules designed for certain types of market participants can (unintentionally) become obstacles for new entrants.

In this online event, we will discuss how different waves of new entrants in electricity markets require us to reconsider market rules; well-intended market rules for certain types of actors can unintentionally become obstacles for others.

Watch the recording:

Academic discussants: 

Ksenia Poplavskaya (Austrian Institute of Technology/ TU Delft)

Lynne Kiesling (Carnegie Mellon University)

Michael Pollitt (University of Cambridge – Judge Business School)

FSR researcher:

Tim Schittekatte


Leonardo Meeus

Did you know…?

The work presented during this event will be submitted as an academic paper to the special issue of Energies on “Innovation, Policy, and Regulation in Electricity Markets” (guest editors: prof. Michael Pollitt, prof. Lynn Kiesling and prof. Leonardo Meeus). Submissions are encouraged, and the deadline for the manuscript submissions is the 30 of April, 2021.

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We acknowledge the financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 project INTERRFACE (grant agreement No 824330).



The series focuses on the insights from the FSR research.  These online events will give the FSR researchers the chance to share our research findings and to collect feedback on ongoing research by engaging with the audience and invited experts.

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