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Thanks to the European Union’s stimulus package and the Recovery and Resilience Facility, overall recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is well under way. As the transport sector was particularly suffering, it subsequently needs comparatively more support than other sectors. Such support constitutes a unique opportunity to accelerate its much-needed transition to decarbonisation, a process that will rely on increasing the transport sector’s level of digitalisation. Among all modes of transport, it appears to be best positioned to deliver on the EU’s decarbonisation objectives, especially because it can facilitate the modal shift from road and short-haul air transport.

The objective of this panel titled “Transport Recovery: Which Role for Railways?“, hosted by FSR Transport in the framework of the European University Institute’s annual flagship conference The State of the Union (SOU), is to discuss how the stimulus package can accelerate the decarbonisation of transport with railways playing a central role in the process.

The 12th edition of The State of the Union will be held from 5 to 7 May 2022 and will focus on the future of the European Union.

Titled “A Europe Fit for the Next Generation?“, the conference will take place in a hybrid format. Attendees from around the world will connect through an online platform, with a select group participating live in Florence.

Two years from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EU’s importance in shaping a better future has never been clearer. The State of the Union is a platform for experts and civil society members from all over the world to debate urgent crises. This year’s edition of the EU’s annual policy conference will focus on the European Union’s role in a constantly evolving global landscape. Leaders and Experts from all over the world will deal with issues ranging from multilateral governance to sustainability and resilience, democracy and the rule of law, to the developments in attitudes to migration, the future of digitalisation, and how crisis can fuel change. Prominent speakers will discuss how the Next Generation EU recovery plan can address the damage inflicted by the pandemic. Looking beyond Europe, the conference will feature panels on the future of transatlantic relations and Africa’s emerging role on the global stage.

Organised by the European University Institute#SOU2022 will once again represent a unique opportunity for the worlds of academia, policymaking, business, media, and civil society to come together and come up with constructive proposals for a more effective EU action.


Badia Fiesolana
Via dei Roccettini, 9
Fiesole , Firenze 50014 Italy

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Moderator - Prof. Juan Montero
Director, Florence School of Regulation - Transport Area
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Walter Goetz
Head of Cabinet of Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean
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Mario Tartaglia
Head of Models, Strategic Studies and Official Statistics of the Central Direction of Strategy, Sustainability & Asset Management.
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Alberto Mazzola
Executive Director of the Community of European Railways and Infrastructure Companies (CER)


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